Uniting Cyber,

Empowering Strategy

Cyberensic enables you to determine your current cyber security posture and provides a strategy to improve your maturity.


Well Recognised

Industry Benchmarks

Why does Cyberensic exist ?

Cyber risk is a global issue with regional impacts. Therefore, Cyberensic is committed to providing advice and manage services with accountability, assurance and compliance across the dynamic cyber security landscape.


In today's digital landscape, the fundamental challenge facing organisations is cybersecurity: the relentless pursuit of safeguarding sensitive information and defending against cyber threats.

The struggle to bridge the gap between the ever-evolving threat landscape and the limited availability of cybersecurity experts is a growing concern.


Cyberensic presents a transformative approach: we’re here to unite the cyber industry to help organisations in need.

Our mission is to empower organisations with tailored solutions while bridging the automation gap to increase efficiency and strengthen digital resilience.


Cyberensic delivers concrete outcomes by crafting purpose-driven cybersecurity strategies that enforce security and provide adaptable solutions. Our commitment translates into empowered businesses navigating the evolving cyber security landscape with confidence.

Through accessible and flexible solutions, we bridge the automation gap, resulting in increased operational efficiency and strengthened digital resilience.

What we do at Cyberensic

If you are not safe, you are not ready. Cybercrime is a major threat to businesses at every level and Cyberensic has the solutions you need to help protect your company.

PCI DSS Gap Assessment

Expanding or reducing the scope of your card holder environment and provide certification strategy

ISO27001 Certification and Maintenance

We provide end to end ISO27001 service which includes gap assessment, remediation, and readiness for external certification audit. After guiding you through the certification audits, we also offer additional service to maintain the ISMS for you to ensure continual compliance

Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment and Strategy

A comprehensive gap assessment to determine the security posture of your organisation based on industry best practices and closely aligned with NIST, ISO27001, Cyber Kill Chain and COBIT

ACSC Essential 8 Assessment

Providing comprehensive E8 Gap assessment report as directed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre

Virtual Security Officer

A dedicated CISO for all your cyber security requirements

CPS 234 Assessment

We follow strict criteria set out by APRA and utilise their guidance to assess your organisation against the APRA CPS234 standard and provide a comprehensive report

Security Awareness Training

We have partnered with industry leading training providers to provide you with cyber security training based on latest trends using advanced artificial intelligence integrated platforms including simulations

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

Our vulnerability scans look for known vulnerability in your systems and report potential exposures. Alternatively, our detailed penetration tests are intended to exploit weaknesses in the architecture of your IT network and determine the degree to which a malicious attacker can gain unauthorised access to your assets

Cyberensic embodies the Outlaw archetype, fearlessly challenging the status quo in cybersecurity.

Transformative force in the cybersecurity landscape, Cyberensic is reshaping the status quo by connecting cyber professionals with organisations in need, making cyber defences accessible, and empowering organisations in the digital age.

At Cyberensic, we communicate as humans, with humans.

The key to sounding like Cyberensic is to convey confidence, expertise, and approachability in discussing cybersecurity, making it accessible and relatable to all.


Resourceful. Adaptive. Cutting-edge.

Stewardship is our guiding principle on our mission to defend organisations against cyber threats. We are resourceful, leveraging the latest technologies and staying adaptive to ever-evolving threats. Our commitment to best- in-class solutions ensures that we serve as vigilant custodians, safeguarding your digital assets.


Understanding. Collaborative. Responsive.

We understand the unique challenges each client and industry face and approach every interaction with compassion. Our genuine commitment to your concerns ensures a human touch in our solutions, aligning our efforts with your organisational requirements.


Transparent. Trusting. Dependable.

Trusting relationships are at the core of what we do. In navigating the intricate landscape of cybersecurity challenges, we foster an environment where our clients can rely on our unwavering commitment. Synonymous with trust, our integrity is the cornerstone of your cybersecurity journey.


United. Collaborative. Responsive.

At Cyberensic, being client-centric is of paramount importance. We are united in our mission to serve you, fostering a collaborative environment where your insights shape our Cybersecurity strategies. Our goal is to foster unity and cooperation, ensuring that our client and their constituents benefits from our collective efforts. Responsive to your evolving needs, we join you as dedicated partners in your cybersecurity endeavours.

Cyber threats are not the question of if, but when?